Animal Behavior and Comparative Psychology
Jennifer Savoie
Visual Behaviors of Bottlenose Dolphins Watching Social and Non-social Videos
Moises Rivera
Preference for Foster vs. Native Species Females in Cross-reared Bengalese Finch Males
Comparative Cognition Conference, 2020
Basic and Applied Social Psychology
Grace Flores-Robles
Does Class Shape the Way People Think About, Explain, and Understand Inequality?
Jordan Wylie
Emotion Facilitates Object Recognition: Evidence from Spatial Filtering
Annual Conference of the Society for Affective Science, 2020
Katlyn Milless
Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention, February 2020
Matthew Vanaman
The Role of Disgust and Moral Concerns in Bathroom Bill Support
Ryan Tracy
Low Spatial Frequencies Reduce Perceptions of Humanness and Mind
Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention, February 2020
Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience
Alicia Barrientos
49th Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting
32nd Annual Barrels Meeting
Casey Imperiol
Metamemory Monitoring and Control: A High Definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Study
Society for Neuroscience Conference, October 2019
Dan Siegel
The Role of Dorsal Striatum in Reward Identity and Temporal Encoding
Evan Owens
Toward a Physiological Understanding of Presence and Embodiment
Fahd Alhazmi
Reconciling the Contribution of Common and Separate Prediction Errors in Learning
Hyein Cho
The Role of Safety Learning and Cue Saliency on Anxiety-Related Overgeneralized Fear
Lua Koenig
TMS-Induced Numbsense: Unconscious Touch Perception Without Primary Somatosensory Cortex
The Outlier Paradox: The Role of Iterative Ensemble Coding in Discounting Outliers
Vision Sciences Society Conference, 2020
Clinical Psychology at John Jay
Amanda Rosinski
American Psychology-Law Society Conference, March 2019
Shane Adams
35th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, November 2019
Clinical Psychology at Queens
Al Amira Safa Shehab
Crystal Quinn
Investigation of Judgment Ability in Patients with Frontotemporal Dementia
Daniel Saldana
Isabelle Avildsen
Kaitlin Carson
Disclosure & Nondisclosure of Sexual Victimization Experiences
Sara Babad
35th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, November 2019
Victoria Martin
International Neuropsychological Society Conference, February 2020
Cognition, Language, and Development
Katherine Papazian
Nicole Amada
Psychedelic Experience and the Narrative Self
Olga Parshina
Reading Patterns in Bilingual and Monolingual Speakers: Scanpath Analysis
Cognitive and Comparative Psychology
Dvora Zomberg
Improving College Students’ Understanding of Algorithms
Eastern Psychological Association Conference, June 2020
Kelly Cotton
Working Memory Consolidation Improves Long-Term Memory Recognition in Words and Non-Words
60th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, November 2019
Critical Social/Personality and Environmental Psychology
Arita Balaram
Interrupting Intergenerational Silences through Participatory Oral History and Digital Archiving
Ayten Ozoguz
Bengi Sullu
US Play Coalition 2020 Conference on the Value of Play, April 2020
Donald Brown
Indigenous Linguistic Performance at the Ghana-Togo Border: A Critical Autoethnography of Black Subjectivity
Varnica Arora
Exploring Masculinities within Adivasi Contexts in India
Developmental Psychology
Aaron DeMasi
Do Novice Crawling and Walking Infants Practice Skill-Relevant Movements During Night Wakings?
Ariana Riccio
Does Participatory Programming Promote Positive Outcomes for Autistic College Students? A Cross-Institutional Survey Study
Melissa Horger
Behavioral Sleep State Coding Around Motor Milestone Acquisition
Sapir Elimaliah
Examining Relations Between Cardiac Autonomic Activity and Autism Traits in Adults
International Society for Autism Research, 2019
Health Psychology and Clinical Science
Beverlin Del Rosario
Why Reflection Leads to Suicide Ideation
Caroline Zimmermann
33rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society Meeting, September 2019
Irina Mindlis
Self-Management Burden and Depression in the Context of Multi-Morbidity
33rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society Meeting, September 2019
Madalyn Liautaud
Depressive Symptoms Moderate the Effect of Internalized Transphobia on Binge Drinking In Transgender and Gender Diverse Adults
Sugandha Gupta
Hopeful yet Hesitant: How an Optimistic Bias for Survival Shapes an End-of-Life Medical Decisions
41st Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, 2020
Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Alessa Natale
35th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Anne Kato
Cognitive Ability Tilt & Job Performance
Danielle Wald
Illegitimate Tasks Exacerbate the Undesirable
AI as an Ally: Improving Reactions to Artificial Intelligence
Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology Conference, June 2020
“I believe that I can beat you”: The Role of Boosting Self-Efficacy in Reactions to Envy
International Society for Research on Emotion Conference (ISRE), July 2019
Stefanie Gisler
Break-Need Fit: Development of a New Scale Measuring the Effectiveness of Work Breaks
Psychology and Law
Anna Stenkamp
Free Will Belief and Perceptions of Procedural Justice in Police-Suspect Interactions
Kristyn Jones
American Psychology-Law Society Conference, 2020
Patricia Sanchez
The Netflix Effect: Naturalistic and Experimental Exposure to Wrongful Conviction Media