**Research presented live at Research Day 2024 Conference
Basic and Applied Social Psychology
Annalisa Myer
Et tu, Biracials? Applying Hypodescent to Black-White Biracials
Bryant N. Gomez**
Proximity Matters?: Exploring Distance & Psychosocial Factors on College Trajectories.
Haniya Rumaney
They’re out to get us!: Investigating the impact of stigma salience on conspiracy endorsement
Jihye Choi
I Blame Asian, but Others Blame Black – The Interaction of Victim Blaming Measurement and Victim’s Race
Maria Sobrino**
Protective Factors Mitigating Associations of Early Life Stress and the Development of Health Risk Behaviors in Adolescence.
Pui Yee Connie Chiu**
Who Caused the Punishment? Cultural Variations in Causal and Counterfactual Judgments for Rarely Followed Rules
Ricky Granderson**
Purposes of Physical Touch in Men’s Same-Sex Friendships
Clinical Psychology
Amanda Kenepp
Reading Skills Over Time Among Children With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Annalise Caviasco
Does Cognitive Set-Shifting in Multilinguals Serve as a Protective Factor against Depressive Rumination?
Janelle Robinson**
Invisible Scars: Examining Misconceptions of Marital Rape
Katherine Chang
Utilizing race-adjusted versus non-race adjusted normative data for diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in demographically-diverse, community dwelling individuals
Sheharyar Hussain**
From Taboo to Transformation: Navigating Mental Health Stigma in the Pakistani American Community
Stephany Betances
Formally Trained Interpreters Perspective on Working with Clinicians (Study One)
Cognitive and Comparative Psychology
Antonella Guadagnino
Nesting Patterns Elucidate Differential Nest Attractors In African Naked Mole-rat Subgroups
Chloe Brittenham
Global Processing Takes More Time and is Less Accurate in Individuals with High Levels of Autistic Traits
Donnan Gravelle
Joint Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic and George Floyd Uprising on Implicit Anti-Black Bias
Jennifer Abrams
Cue Substitution, Transfer, and Activation in Rats
Kaitlyn Willgohs
Examining the Performances of Two Elephant Species on a Cooperative Task
Karen Rodriguez
A Structured-Feedback Approach to Collaboration Modifies Decision-Making in a False Memory Task.
Matthew Rudolph
Targeted personality device: Leveraging individual differences in responses to varying multi-modal stimuli to support applied conservation practices
Robbert Ball**
How Bold are Wild Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus) in a Human-Dominated Landscape?
Scott Gulizio
Seasonal Crop Foraging Habits of Asian Elephants and the Response of Farmers Near the Salakpra Wildlife Sanctuary
Critical Social/Personality Psychology
Carla González Paul
Nunca más sin nosotras: Feminist Activism in the 2019 Social Revolt in Chile
Frances Howell**
Case Study: Conceiving using Assisted Reproductive Technologies while Black
Hayoung Jeong
Public Land for Public Goods? Community Land Trusts’ Struggles for Grassroots-led Redevelopment of Public Land
Katia Henrys**
“The wind has already brought you what you asked for”: creating spaces for wisdom sharing.
Laura Hooberman**
Breastfeeding in the NICU: Narratives of Surveillance and Intimacy
Varnica Arora**
Youth experiences in the aftermath of suicidal behaviors in rural India
Developmental Psychology
Diamond Camacho
Coping while caring: exploring young adult caregiver’s coping strategies during COVID-19
Daniel Baktin**
“They are Not Harmful”: Autistic Adolescents and Young Adults’ Experiences and Views of Stimming and Special Interests
Gabriella Lamanno
Goals in Motion: Narratives of Change and Persistence in Young Adults
Kristina Arevalo
“What about us?”: East and Southeast Asian and Asian American Women’s Racialized Emotions in Response to the Racialization of COVID-19
Marimar Perez
Marianismo: A Cultural Script Unfolding Differently Across Latinas’ Contextual Factors
Michele Gonçalves Maia
Napping Helps Infants Consolidate Balance Control Training to Reduce Cognitive Load
Shristi Karim
Parental Monitoring and Relationship Quality: Exploring Dynamics in Indian Adolescent Contexts
Tania Camarillo Contreras
Beyond Stereotypes: Latinas’ Sexuality in the Context of Marianismo
Health Psychology & Clinical Science
Ash Smith**
The impact of tailored Empowerment Self-Defense on posttraumatic and gender minority stress among trans women and trans femmes
Clara Law
Daily Relationships Between Worry and Sleep Disturbance: Disentangling Between- and Within- Person Effects
Felix Yirdong
Emotion Regulation and Suicidal Ideation and Attempts in Young Adults with Adverse Childhood Experiences
Jamie Tuber
Gender Differences in Associations Between Minority Stress and Mental Health Among Transgender and Nonbinary Adults
Jennifer de Rutte
Social Comparison and Reappraisal OnLine (SCROL) Study
Lucille Liota**
Examining the Role of Risk Factors in Suicide Ideation Among Sexual and Gender Minority Adolescents
Sarah Sullivan
A Mixed Methods Study: Understanding Adolescents’ Feeling Towards Therapy & the Longitudinal Impact of Treatment Engagement on SI Following a Suicide-Related ED Visit
Wynta Alexander**
Mental Health & Tobacco Use Initiation Among a Nationally Representative Sample of Black Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Zara Khan
Bringing Self-Concealment into the Picture Among Sex-trafficked Woman
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Chapman Lindgren
Crisis Leadership: Follower Perceptions of Leader During Organizational Crisis
Joshua Nagel
Why So Quiet? Investigating the Effects of Task Interdependency and Coworker Incivility on Use of Ostracism
Kaitlin Busse
Unmasking silence: Illegitimate tasks, moral disengagement, and social contexts
Psychology & Law
Amanda Benjamin
Crime Nearby: The effects of repeated exposure to local crime alerts on perceptions of safety, policy, and well-being
Kris-Ann Anderson**
Does the accumulation of Secondary Trauma explain the perceived memory advantage of Criminal Justice Professionals?